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 Bleach RP

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Rogue Shinigami

Posts : 207
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Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 104
Location : Right here ya dummy!

Bleach RP Empty
PostSubject: Bleach RP   Bleach RP I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2009 8:05 pm

This is a site that allows CANON and customs. It takes place before the whole battle that is taking place currently in the series. I made it and ditched it because I was only on one dieing rp site other than it so I couldn't advertise. I need people for almost all roles and am looking for an admin or two. ((But that won't be just anybody.))

If you decide to join and have any questions P.M. me, Stark, on the site.

Oh, and you can get to it by using either of the following addresses.


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